The role of the offshore call center
The role of the offshore call center

The role of the offshore call center

BSS 02/01/2018 Various

Call center, pillar of the customer relationship

A major interface between the company and its customers, the offshore call center is the main guarantor of the satisfaction of users and contractors. The call center must deploy the necessary means to optimize its services. Thus it must choose the best teleoperators but also the most effective technical solutions to ensure high quality services.

How does it work?

In an outsourcing situation, the contact center is associated with a management chart defined by the management, the activity of the company being decisive as to the importance of its place. In the event that the center is a "complementary" part of the company - helpdesk service, technical assistance - it will be directly linked to the service that manages the products or that requires this assistance. On the other hand, if it is more oriented towards a problem of telemarketing, for example, it will depend legitimately on the commercial or marketing department. In other cases, the call center will be attached to the management of a customer service or customer relationship. There are also a number of cases where the company decides to create an autonomous specialized entity, in the form of a subsidiary.

State-of-the-art technology for high-end performance

In addition to computer tools and telecommunication infrastructures, exclusively technical formulas are required to ensure the optimal functioning of offshore call centers. The essential solutions are those relating to the management of calls, including VoIP technology, IP telephony, ACD system, call center software... The latter is the most important since it allows the management of calls, in particular their transfer to the most qualified teleoperator. It also allows an acknowledgment of the caller by simultaneously displaying the data relating to it (identity, history of communications, social status, etc.).

In addition, all communication tools (chat, e-mail, fax, SMS, etc.) are on the software control bar for easy call management. Finally, the tool produces statistics on the performance of each teleoperator and each team. This functionality is essential because it allows any gap identification to be remedied as quickly as possible.