Know and analyze your customers; Make of them your brand ambassadors!
Know and analyze your customers; Make of them your brand ambassadors!

Know and analyze your customers; Make of them your brand ambassadors!

BSS 02/07/2018 Customer relationship

Customer knowledge consists on collecting data to better understand them, better identify them, but also better serve them and anticipate their expectations. Consumers are more and more demanding, critical and no longer waiting for us to communicate with them but instead wish to be heard.

What interest has customer analysis for your company?

Interests of customer analysis are multiple. By getting to know customers you can satisfy and retain them especially those who bring more value to your business. This would help to correlate the objectives of your company with the information held on your customers, drive your marketing and commercial actions according to a precise and reliable economic logic, and finally save more time.

How to do customer analysis?

To know your customers well, you need to collect relevant information about them. Customer and potential customer studies provide you with tangible information and avoid making decisions about preconceived ideas. You can use two data sources to get to know your customers.

  • Internal sources: All the information you have about your customers within your company (Excel file, accounting file ...)
  • External sources: These are the studies that you can conduct to collect information about your customers. These studies can be qualitative or quantitative.

It is important to carefully analyze the data collected to draw the right conclusions.

How to understand your customers’ behavior?

Consumption is an act that commits the consumer to spend his money; he may not always be sure of his buying decisions so he may hesitate at any time.

The consumer decision making process could be determined by identifying the buyer behavior according to these two factors.

Cultural factor

This is the origin of desires and human acts. I am talking more specifically about the reason behind the purchase of the product or the need of the service. It is the set of values ​​and customs that make the consumer want to buy at some point. This is like buying presents during the Christmas season; what really counts in this case is to maintain the tradition.

Personal factor

It's usually based on their age, gender; socio-professional category ... Purchasing power is also an important personal factor that can help you identify your target. The buyer behavior also depends on the personality and self-concept of the customers as well as their lifestyles, hence the way they will buy.

How to make from your customers your brand’s ambassadors?


To meet your customer's needs, you need an innovative, comprehensive and customizable customer loyalty solution for your business. It is important for customers to be able to drive their loyalty programs themselves. They can view the offers and choose how to use their points.

What is the role of social media in the buyer behavior?

I think that a well-managed loyalty program encourages 67% of customers to come back more often. Today the majority of programs is descendant from the company to the consumer and rewards only the transactional activities. It is obvious for the survival of a company to also reward social activities such as sponsorship and publications on social networks.

A purchase is no longer the only way to earn points. Social sharing of a photo, product, or point of sale also rewards your customers. These then become your true ambassadors. Your customers share their data by updating their profiles, which guarantees the quality of the data collected.

Online, telephone counselors benefit from better customer knowledge. They can thus accommodate each client in a personalized way by directly accessing a detailed sheet. Access real-time history, interests and offers, and change customer data to ensure you have an up-to-date database.

Cherish your unsatisfied customers!

However, unsatisfied customers can harm your reputation. Take the lead by giving them points as a commercial gesture. Animate your loyalty in real time by creating offers, coupons, or even offers available to your partners. Measure the usage of your loyalty program and measure your budget. With your loyalty program data, create targeted, automated marketing campaigns to increase your customer engagement. It is essential in this case to opt for a solution for a mobile application and a website.