Outsourcing After Sales Service / Strategic SAV
Outsourcing After Sales Service / Strategic SAV

Outsourcing After Sales Service / Strategic SAV

BSS 29/11/2017 Various

From a strategic and financial point of view, the outsourcing of the after-sales service is very important for a company. Business & Services Solutions will beforehand discuss with you your project and your company and will then meet all your needs to satisfy your customer service.

The outsourcing of the after-sales services does not in any way represent a loss of control of your customer relationship since our consultants are guided by the instructions of your company and your brand image. In addition, they are trained and ready to respond and adapt to customer requests.

The hotline service of BS-Solutions is able to handle calls hotline type and is positioned as an interface between you and your customers. You benefit from a quality service hotline, conveying the image of a company with a serious and professional after-sales service. Outsourcing customer relationships means businesses have a heavy task, which frees up time to focus on other work such as developing and launching new products.

Outsource customer service effectively

Managing an after-sales service in addition to marketing, administration or communication is not an obvious thing for a company although it is necessary. The majority of customers who call you in SAV are unsatisfied customers, who can contact you for various problems, such as:

  • Difficulties in using your products or software
  • Technical problems with one of your products
  • Difficulties in downloading a file or software
  • Installing a software
  • Online payment problems, ...

By calling our call center, you will be sure to provide a customer service that meets the expectations of your customers.

Outsourcing the after-sales service for quality customer service

To convey a positive image and offer a quality customer service, the outsourcing of the after-sales service is the solution. By providing a tailor-made hotline, the advisors of BS-Solutions diagnose and assist your customers remotely to effectively provide the solution to the problem encountered.

For a tailor-made after-sales service that meets the expectations of your customers, when the problem is very specific or requires advanced skills in your field of activity, we transmit the request to a specialist on your team according to your instructions (direct transmission of the call or notification by SMS or e-mail for a subsequent reminder).

Whatever the call, our hotline will send you a report containing the description of the problem and the service concerned.